Your comments and responses, received at our previous consultation in July, have been considered by the design team and used to inform the proposals you see today.
Headline comments from previous consultation:
Highways and transport – what are the access arrangements and public transport services?
An existing limit on school places and capacity.
What is the delivery and location of planned shops and services in the north of Woodford Garden Village?
How will construction be managed?
Masterplan queries:
Please provide detailed proposals for the Community Hub and what could be included.
Provide further detail on the footpath and cycleway routes.
Provide further detail on the boundaries between the existing housing and the development – be clear where new housing will be located.
Provide housing detail design, including: styles, height and type of affordable homes that will be provided.
Proposed self-build area – how will this be delivered and how impacts to the existing neighbours will be minimised?
Our Response:
Transport and access – further detailed work is taking place on highways and transport, with a focus on traffic counting and the expected impact on key roads and junctions.
School places – discussions are taking place with the Local Education Authority regarding school places for local children. Woodford Primary School was built with the capacity to extend if required.
Shops and services – Redrow has achieved planning permission for retail and other local services at the North of the Woodford Garden Village. This is separate to the planning process for Woodford Extension but progress is being made towards a start on site. This is considered to be the best location for convenience retail and other local services.
Construction management – all activity on site will be governed in the same way that it currently is. A Construction Management Plan which will be agreed with Stockport Council, to cover matters such as construction traffic routes, contractor parking, hours of working etc.
Where to find further info:
We have provided additional detail on housing types and character – see the Design and Architecture page.
Further emphasis and detail on the footpath/cycling connections within the site and to the surrounding area – see the Movement and Access page.
Further detail on the Community Hub proposals, what land uses are suggested and what could the surrounding landscape look like – see the Design and Architecture page.
We have provided additional information about the proposed self-build development – see the Design and Architecture page.
The Drainage Strategy incorporates Sustainable Urban Drainage systems (SUDS) and the level changes across the site – see the Understanding the Site and Open Space Framework page for further detail.
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