A Sustainable Neighbourhood Key Features

The integration of the following key features, into the new development, help shape the masterplan and create a vibrant, sustainable community and high quality homes for the new neighbourhood at Woodford.

Community Hub

A new Local Centre is located to the north of the Southern Extension. This Community Hub includes local facilities: cycle hub, local produce cafe, co-working units, exhibition space and village green. A pedestrian priority zone ‘The Village Square’ is proposed within the area to reduce traffic speeds.

Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems

An extensive drainage strategy will include attenuation basins, rain gardens, swales and permeable hard surfaces, within key areas and routes in the development, encouraging biodiversity. SUDS proposals will link into the existing changing topography and watercourses.


There will be access for residents to the new sports facilities within the Garden Village, along pedestrian/cyclist routes across the site.
The development will also encourage access to outdoor gyms, trim and bike trails which link to the surrounding countryside and landscape.


The surrounding woodlands, including Isles Wood, will be integrated into the proposals. Clear green corridors will break up the development and provide green buffer edges, tree lined streets and pockets of woodland in green spaces, aiming to weave the proposal into its surroundings.

Celebrate the parkland setting

A natural parkland area will be provided for enhanced biodiversity and wildlife habitat. Recreation and play areas, as well as attenuation basins will also be incorporated within the area.

Pedestrian friendly streets and spaces

Designated crossing points for pedestrians and cyclists will vary the treatment of the road network through the new development. A change in materiality will help reduce vehicle speeds and support in creating an attractive sense of place.


Play areas will be incorporated into the landscape at key points of connectivity along walking and cycling routes.
These play areas will be designed to be safe and secure, with proposed homes facing onto the spaces to provide natural surveillance.

Encouraging active travel

The development will encourage active travel routes across the site, along with integrating a bus route centrally for residents. The active travel proposals include a heritage and ecological trail to the south, connecting the Avro Heritage Museum to existing pill boxes and heritage and ecological features across the site, using signage and informative boards.