Future Vision

To create a sustainable, mixed-use neighbourhood, supporting the Avro Heritage Museum as a community hub set within a attractive woodland environment.

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Deliver a comprehensive masterplan for the site’s redevelopment

An extension to a successful Garden Village.

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Enhancement of the Avro Heritage Museum

Through provision of a new community hub with a mix of uses, including an events space.

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Design with nature and climate adaptation in mind

Creating and enhancing biodiversity and ecological corridors across and beyond the site. Biodiversity Net Gain in excess of requirements.

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Create recreational routes and open up existing green areas

Providing safe and naturally surveyed open spaces and routes for everyone to enjoy.

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Affordable housing provision

Significant contribution towards meeting the Council’s housing requirement.

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Provision of new open space

To open up the site to the wider public with a range of new recreational spaces and facilities.

future vision plan