The site, as well as the Woodford Garden Village to the north, forms part of the ‘Woodford Aerodrome Opportunity Site’ (WOAS), the policies of which have guided the Woodford Garden Village planning project to date. The key planning permission for Woodford Garden Village was granted in 2015 (ref: DC/053832).
This consent provided for up to 920 new homes, extra care accomodation, a public house, a primary school and commercial and retail floorspace.
Several amendments and separate applications have been approved since the original grant of planning permission and development on site is now well advanced. The additional applications include a revised primary school (ref. DC/075293), an independent public house permission (ref. DC/070617) and a new local centre permission (ref. DC/085887).
The merits of using the red edged land to accommodate further residential development were considered previously as part of planning policy promotion work. This work was undertaken in response to consultations on the Greater Manchester Joint Plan known as the Greater Manchester Spatial Framework (GMSF).
As a result of this work, the wider Woodford Aerodrome site within the Stockport administrative area was identified for release from the Green Belt and allocated for an additional 750 dwellings in the draft GMSF document (Policy GM Allocation 37). However, the Council’s decision to remove itself from the GMSF (now Places for Everyone) process in 2020 means that the site remains in the Green Belt and is subject to the relevant local and national policy with respect to development in the Green Belt.