Emerging Opportunities

Analysis of the site has led us to five key opportunities for this proposed new neighbourhood.

The extension proposals build on the knowledge and understanding gained from the original planning and delivery work undertaken for the existing Woodford Garden Village development to the north.

This, together with a suite of ongoing technical assessments, will serve to guide the masterplan approach for the new neighbourhood.

Draw public green spaces into the Site plan

Draw public green spaces into the Site

Extend Isles Wood to the south into the site to create a rural, wooded character which is distinct from the character of the north.

There is significant potential to create new ecological ‘green’ corridors extending through the site to enhance ecological value, provide visual screening and help knit the site back together again.

Clever use of water plan

Clever use of water

At the heart of the new homes will be a new brook watercourse, which will be located within a new public parkland running through the centre of the scheme.

Alongside providing the required drainage infrastructure for the site, it will also create the opportunity for amenity and ecological value and play, as well as new pedestrian and cycle routes through green spaces.

A new rural neighbourhood plan

A new rural neighbourhood

The neighbourhood will draw on the characteristics of the wider rural context of the southern edge of the site – different and distinct to the wider Garden Village.

Clusters of new homes nestled within woodland and green spaces, with informal winding road layouts, hedgerows, wide verges and trees.

New homes set back from the street frontage with generous green verges, gardens and hedgerow boundaries.

Support the existing heritage of the Site plan

Support the existing heritage of the Site

The existing site heritage will provide the focus for a new community hub, referencing the site’s unique past and providing a focal point for existing and future residents.

It will create a ‘heart’ to this southern area and provide local services and events space to new and existing residents around it.

New rural homes plan

New rural homes

New homes will be a mix of sizes and types that reflect the surrounding rural building character.

Spaces and streets around them will provide a green setting, and some homes could form courtyards and farmsteads that mirror those along Old Lane.

To the northwest of the site there will also be a unique self-build development area.